The International Scientific Committee (ISC) of ICPIG selected the following recipients for the Students Prizes.
Best Oral Contribution
Thomas Orrière
Institute PPRIME, CNRS / Université de Poitiers, FRANCE
Flow characterization of the electro-thermal plume induced by nanosecond repetitively pulsed microplasmas
Best Poster Presentation
Marina Lisnyak
Groupement de Recherche sur l’Energétique des Milieux Ionisés – GREMI, CNRS / Université d’Orléans, FRANCE
Numerical modeling of high-pressure arc discharges: matching LTE arc core with the electrodes
The prizes, consisting of 500€, a certificate and a Springer book voucher to the value of 150€, acknowledge the quality of both the scientific content and the presentation, irrespective of the topic, or whether it is predominantly experimental, computational or theoretical.
The student’s supervisor, whether attending ICPIG or not, must nominate her/his student for the prize. Eligible students should not have defended their PhD thesis before January 2017. The nomination letter briefly describing and evaluating the specific work (maximum of one page, including up to three most relevant publications – journal and conference proceedings – related to the PhD thesis) should reach the ISC Chair, Dr Eugen Stamate, by e-mail (, before 16th June 2017.
The student prize for Best Oral Contribution is sponsored by Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear.
The student prize for Best Poster is sponsored by Sociedade Portuguesa de Física.
Both prizes are also sponsored by the European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics.